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① 小華每天上下學都讓爸爸開豪車接送,很驕傲。請你用學過的名言告誡他


② 心態語錄經典語錄

1) 正確看待工作,是端正工作態度的前提。那麼,工作是什麼?我以為:工作是一個施展自己能力的舞台。我們寒窗苦讀來的知識,我們的應變力,我們的決斷力,我們的適應力以及我們的協調能力都將在這樣的一個舞台上得到展示。工作是我們需要用生命去做的事。這與工作僅僅是「為五斗米折腰」、「為別人幹活」的想法完全不同。他揭示了工作的真正內涵,為點燃工作激情打下基礎。

2) 人的大腦很偉大,偉大之處在於,人和人差距也很大,放平心態,眾生皆愚昧。

3) 有些事,明知是錯的,也要去堅持,因為不甘心;有些人,明知是愛的,也要去放棄,因為沒有結局;有時候,明知沒路了,卻還在前進,因為習慣了。

4) 不要向任何的人表示你的痛苦,因為大部分人不關心,剩下的小部分聽到後很高興。

5) 當你在心情沮喪的時候,最好你是能先獨處一陣子,等平靜之後再面對別人,否則,可能有人因為不知情而遭受池魚之殃。

6) 心態:被人扶了一把,很快就忘了;比人踩了一腳,卻一直忘不了;曾經幫助過別人,卻沒有得到回報,一直耿耿於懷;曾經傷害過別人,卻沒有得到報應,一直心存僥幸。

7) 心態消極的人,無論如何都挑不起生活和重擔,因為他們無法直面一個個人生挫折,成大事者則關於高速心態,即使在毫無希望時,也能看到一線成功的亮光。

8) 心態越平,坎坷就越少。人生的際遇,請,未必會來;躲,未必能免。心態放平,要來的正確面對,失去的淡然想開。

9) 人生就像一杯茶,不會苦一輩子,但總會苦一陣子。

10) 人生,改變不了的事情,可以改變心態。

11) 我最想和大家探討和分享的,是一種態度。這種態度不僅可以用到學習上,還可以用到生活中,用到工作中,用到你人生的每一個階段中去,而且,你將終身受益。很多同學的成績不好,或者是也許成績不錯,但是沒有學習的慾望,厭學。我覺得這就是一個態度的問題,那我最想要告訴大家的不是怎樣學習,而是我想通過我懇切的文字,讓大家把一種熱情、一種信念樹立起來,真正端正大家的態度,激發大家的熱情。

12) 人總是有兩面的:好的一面、壞的一面;過去的一面、將來的一面,我們必須容忍愛人的所有面。

13) 女人用友情來拒絕愛情,男人用友情來換取愛情。

14) 積極進取、工作態度認真、塌實肯干、責任心強、並有很強的團隊合作精神與合作能力、注重工作效率、個性獨立、性格開朗、做事果斷有主見、時間觀念強。且具備優秀的表達能力,具有較好的學習能力和接受新鮮事物的能力,富有開拓意識,注意細節,有很好的心理承受能力。

15) 人生的際遇,請,未必會來;躲,未必能免。心態需要去放平,要來的就正確面對,失去的淡然想開。

16) 機遇就是人生最大的財富。有些人浪費機遇輕而易舉,所以一個個有巨大潛力的機遇都悄然溜跑,成大事都是絕對不允許溜走,並且能縱身撲向機遇。

③ 低谷期的勵志名言








人生最低谷的勵志句子 適合低谷期發的句子

















④ 馬天宇經典語錄

1. 每次看到黃昏,就覺得人生是一場遙遠的夢。也總覺得人生就像海面一樣,難免會有一些波折。

2. 請學會告訴自己,我愛我自己,我是值得愛的。我是友善和有愛的,並且我有許多的可以跟人分享。我愛這世界,這世界也愛我。我願意活在快樂和成功之中。

3. 美好的一天,我相信自己,我具備所需要的一切條件,我心中想要愛就有愛。

4. 一隻眼往後看,一隻眼往前看,結果成了斗雞眼,所以還是都往前看吧~

5. 我給你講,啥都不是事兒,是事兒就一陣,過了這一陣,啥都不是事兒~

6. 不知從何時起,很多人喜歡裝,並熱愛自己是牛的生殖器,其實一點兒必要都沒有。請熱愛自己並且接受本來的自己,無需迎合或取悅任何人。

7. 為了你,也為了地球,拜託你放開膽子,愛玩一點。別忘了偶爾嘲笑自己一下,給自己找點兒樂子,這樣你才能好好享受這趟生命旅程。

8. 今天做了什麼樣的決定,就會帶給你什麼的明天。

9. 不管是聾是瞎,但心裡一定要有美妙的旋律。

10. 所謂的成長,就是逼著自己去堅強。

11. 有些演員,喜歡把演技當一門技術去使用。有人覺得國外演員的戲比較真實,比較生動,她們學完表演,還要學心理學,或者其它專業,也或者乾脆沒有學過表演。其實沒技術,就是看誰最真,真實可以打動一切。真實永遠也是最真實的,這就是差距吧。

12. 每個男人在性格上都有陰柔的部分,每個女人的心裡也都有陽剛的特徵。沒有一個男人具有所有男性的特徵,也沒有一個女人能做到絕對的女性化。 所以你們就別說我了,大家都一樣~

13. 如果你設定的目標沒有達成,最好有一個迴旋餘地的的後備方案。就算失敗,也沒什麼大不了的,因為你還有通向世界的另外一條路。

14. 這個世界包羅萬象,什麼人都有,什麼事兒也有。事情發生的時候,我們只能去接受,接受不代表妥協,而是靜下心來,去觀察怎麼把事情處理的更妥當。

15. 對於下屬,我能跟他們打成一片,對於上司,我尊敬他們,而不是巴結。我不喜歡撒謊,也不喜歡別人騙我。我希望每個人都很快樂,也希望世界和平。還有,我是直性子,也特別隨性,有人看不慣這樣,但是我真不會矯柔造作。

16. 每個人都有自己的生活主題,而這個主題是天經地義的。我的主題是"盡人事,聽天命",因為,我只做屬於我的事情。

17. 我一直認為旅遊也是一筆投資,也是我一直在做的事情。助手經常跟我說:你看那個誰又買豪車了,那個誰又買好房了。我一點兒都不羨慕,有人追求物質,但我追求精神,有一天老了,他們將失去現在擁有的,也不會帶走什麼,而我,能擁有那些美好的記憶,也能帶走我的全部。

18. 愛工作也愛旅行,愛文藝也愛范二,喝百利甜,聽王菲,因為愛情,所以隨性,你就是凡客,是凡人,也是過客。不爭不吵,世界有我就好。

19. 人只要有意努力,一定可以改善生活,我不知道還有什麼比這個事實更振奮人心。

20. 愛你的親人,愛你的興趣,愛你的工作,愛你的生命。走下去,通往天堂。

21. 人生三樂:知足常樂,自得其樂,助人為樂。PS:還有一樂就是:沒事兒傻樂~

22. 意外跟明天,不知道哪一個先來,所以該幹嘛幹嘛。

23. 生命不長不短,剛好夠用來看世界。

24. 人生的全部智慧都包含在五個字當中:"等待和希望"。

25. 所有人都會死,但只有很少數人真正的活過。

26. 我的脾氣和固執趕走了很多人,但留下了最真的人。

27. 每當遭遇困境、面對挫折、感覺不被理解、內心不能夠平靜時,告訴自己:今生已經是最後一生,我將永遠告別這個娑婆世界,沒有什麼值得長久計較。雖一時之間偶爾會有抵觸與抱怨,但我會很快提醒自己保持正念覺知。

28. 別什麼都那麼認真,太累了。無論發生多大的事兒,只要往上一看,天空就會飄著五個字兒,這~都~不~是~事~

29. 世上沒有絕望的處境,只有絕望的人。別因為最近的陰霾天氣,就忘記了雲層之外的太陽。

30. 學習和工作的枯燥也許很難改變,但是可以改變學習和工作的態度,一切就會變的不同。

31. 只有見過大海的人,才知道自己是條小溪。

32. 一個男人愛一個女人,不是基於荷爾蒙才去愛,而是當你願意真心的去付出,不摻雜任何附加條件,你會感受到愛的美麗和芬芳。基於荷爾蒙的,是去做,而不是愛。

33. 改變了信念也就改變了關系,改變了關系也就改變了生活,改變了生活也就改變了命運。相信我,試著去改變自己。如果我沒有改變自己的信念、關系、生活,我也不會有現在的命運,也不會隻身一人,從農村來到了北京。

34. 一個人獲得幸福的重要方法,就是學會接受自己的各種情緒。

35. 這個世上,你努力追求什麼就會得到什麼,無論你是什麼人。

⑤ 關於中國脊樑的名言




⑥ Lady gaga經典語錄

A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury. I don』t need luxury. For years, I was practically broke but I was still very vain and glamorous. And I still am.

——I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I've made it my goal to revolutionise pop music. The last revolution was launched by Madonna 25 years ago.
—我不想這么霸氣的~ 但是我一直把「革新流行音樂」當成我的目標。上一次這么做的人是25年前的麥當娜。

——The turning point for me was the gay community. I've got so many gay fans and they're so loyal to me and they really lifted me up. They'll always stand by me and I'll always stand by them. It's not an easy thing to create a fanbase.

——Paris and Nicky Hilton went to my school. They're very pretty, and very, very clean. It's impressive to be that perfect all the time. In commercial terms, they've been quite an influence on me.

——I am really inspired by the Italians like Gabbana, Versace and Gucci. But I am looking it in that way and trying to make my own.

——Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul.
— 一些藝人想要你的錢,這樣他們就能去買蘭治羅孚和鑽石手鐲了,但我不要那些東西,我要你們的靈魂。

——Some women choose to follow a man and some others their dreams. In case that you wonder which way to follow, remember that your career won't wake up one morning to say that he doesn't love you.
— 一些女人選擇跟隨男人,另一些則選擇跟隨夢想。在你要決定要選哪條路時記住:你的事業是不會在某天早上醒來時告訴你,他不愛你了的。

——A girl's got to use what she's given and I'm not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don't say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It's meant to make guys think: 'I don't know if this is sexy or just weird.'
— 一個女孩要發揮她被賦予的才能,我的錄影帶不會做的像布蘭妮的那樣美到讓男生流口水。我要挑戰一種極端。我不會說我在舞台上穿的很性感——我所做的是挑戰極端,是要讓男生覺得:「我不知道這是叫性感呢還是古怪呢。」

——My grandmother is basically blind, but she can make out the lighter parts, like my skin and hair. She says, "I can see you, because you have no pants on." So I`ll continue to wear no pants so that my grandma can see me.

——The Fame is about how anyone can feel famous. Pop culture is art. It doesn't make you cool to hate pop culture, so I embraced it and you hear it all over The Fame. But, it's a sharable fame. I want to invite you all to the party. I want people to feel a part of this lifestyle.
—《THE FAME》想讓任何人都知道怎樣去感受自己的名聲濟濟。流行文化是一門藝術。說自己痛恨流行文化並不會讓你變得有多酷,所以我要讓《THE FAME》的流行文化將你們包圍。但是,名聲是可以分享的,我想邀請每個人都來到這個聚會上,我想讓每個人都覺得自己是這種生活方式里的一部分。

—— You asked me who Lady Gaga was, but even after I show you, you're still not going to know who I really am.Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all.
—你問我LadyGaga是誰,但即使我表現給你看,你還是不會知道我到底是誰…Lady Gaga是我的名字。如果你認識我還叫我Stefani,那說明你壓根就不了解我。

——I was completely mental and had just been through so much. I hit rock bottom, and it was enough to send a person over the edge. My mother knew the truth about that day, and she screamed so loud on the other end of the phone, I』ll never forget it. I cried. I told her I thought my life was over and I have no hope and I』ve worked so hard, and I knew I was good. What would I do now? And she said, 『I』m gonna let you cry for a few more hours. And then after those few hours are up, you』re gonna stop crying, you』re gonna pick yourself up, you』re gonna go back to New York, and you』re gonna kick some ass.

——It was my dad who pulled me back. I wanted to show my parents I was completely wild. My dad thought I』d lost it. He came to see me and told me if I didn』t pull back I would lose everything. That completely shook me, because even though I wanted to rebel, my parents are the people I respect most in this world. I didn』t want to lose my father』s respect, so I stopped. As a performer I』m outrageous and wild, but as a person I have a very strong moral code. To this day I feel guilt about what I put my parents through when I was younger. I』ll call my mother out of the blue and say, 『Mom, I』m so sorry about what I did.』 They』re very proud of me today, but I wouldn』t have their pride if I hadn』t listened to them and told them I was sorry. It』s as important to acknowledge your mistakes as it is to get credit for your victories.

——I have a small bunch of really creative people who make up the Haus and they work with me on my sets, my costumes, my jewelery and the concept of GaGa. It』s my team and we come up with crazy ideas and make them happen. I do make a lot of money, but I don』t want to own flash cars; I want to make Lady GaGa the biggest star in the world, and that takes a lot of work and creativity.
—我的工作室里聚集了一大批充滿創造力的人,他們一起創作我的套裝、服飾、珠寶飾物以及"Gaga"這個概念。這是我的團隊,我們想瘋狂的主意並且實現它們。我是賺很多錢,但我不要豪車,我要把「 Lady GaGa」打造成世界上最大牌的明星,這需要很多工作和很多創造力。

——Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think.

——For some people, fame kills it and becomes more important than the music or the performance. But for me fame is like rocket fuel. The more my fans like what I'm doing, the more I want to give back to them.

——I want my fans to know I'm there for them. I want them to see every part of me. I am never going to leave them

——When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year old girl. Then I say,'Bitch, you're Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today.
—當我早上醒來時,我和其他24歲的女孩一樣有著那些不安全感,然後我會對自己說「Bitch,你是Lady Gaga啊,你要爬起來然後做你自己。」

——I want to have a husband who loves and supports me, just the way anyone else does, I am a very sentimental person and family is important to me.

——I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. I am a busy girl. I live and breathe my work. I love what I do. I believe in the message. There』s no stopping. I didn』t create the fame, the fame created me.

——I am beautiful in my way,'cause God makes no mistakes!I am on the right track.Baby,I was Born This Way!

——I don't care if my fans love me,I care if they love themselves.

——If the senate and the president are not going to repeal this'don't ask, don't tell.'policy, perhaps they should be more clear with us about who the military is fighting for, who our tax dollars are supporting and, ultimately, how much does the prime rib cost?

——If we don』t stand up for what we believe in and if we don't fight for our rights, pretty soon we're going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones.

⑦ 怎樣用一句經典語錄來形容想買東西買不了


⑧ lady gaga 名言

A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury. I don』t need luxury. For years, I was practically broke but I was still very vain and glamorous. And I still am.
I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I've made it my goal to revolutionise pop music. The last revolution was launched by Madonna 25 years ago.
Lady Gaga
我不想這么霸氣的~ 但是我一直把「革新流行音樂」當成我的目標。上一次這么做的人是25年前的麥當娜。
The turning point for me was the gay community. I've got so many gay fans and they're so loyal to me and they really lifted me up. They'll always stand by me and I'll always stand by them. It's not an easy thing to create a fanbase.
Lady Gaga
Paris and Nicky Hilton went to my school. They're very pretty, and very, very clean. It's impressive to be that perfect all the time. In commercial terms, they've been quite an influence on me.
Lady Gaga
I am really inspired by the Italians like Gabbana, Versace and Gucci. But I am looking it in that way and trying to make my own.
Lady Gaga
Asked which fashion trends she enjoys.
Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul.
Lady Gaga
Some women choose to follow a man and some others their dreams. In case that you wonder which way to follow, remember that your career won't wake up one morning to say that he doesn't love you.
Lady Gaga
一些女人選擇跟隨男人,另一些則選擇跟隨夢想。在你要決定要選哪條路時記住:你的事業是不會在某天早上醒來時告訴你 他不愛你了的。
A girl's got to use what she's given and I'm not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don't say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It's meant to make guys think: 'I don't know if this is sexy or just weird.'
Lady Gaga
My grandmother is basically blind, but she can make out the lighter parts, like my skin and hair. She says, "I can see you, because you have no pants on." So I`ll continue to wear no pants so that my grandma can see me.
Lady Gaga
On whether the media hurts her feelings: 「When they start sating that you have extra appendages, you have to assume that they』re unable to destroy you.」媒體的報道是否讓她覺得受傷。「當他們開始報道你的其他事情時(說夫人是男的。。。),你就知道他們是根本沒有能力毀掉你」
The Fame is about how anyone can feel famous. Pop culture is art. It doesn't make you cool to hate pop culture, so I embraced it and you hear it all over The Fame. But, it's a sharable fame. I want to invite you all to the party. I want people to feel a part of this lifestyle.
《THE FAME》想讓任何人都知道怎樣去感受自己的名聲濟濟。流行文化是一門藝術。說自己痛恨流行文化並不會讓你變得有多酷,所以我要讓《THE FAME》的流行文化將你們包圍。但是,名聲是可以分享的,我想邀請每個人都來到這個聚會上,我想讓每個人都覺得自己是這種生活方式里的一部分。
You asked me who Lady Gaga was, but even after I show you, you're
still not going to know who I really am… Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all.
你問我LadyGaga是誰,但即使我表現給你看,你還是不會知道我到底是誰…Lady Gaga是我的名字。如果你認識我還叫我stefani,那說明你壓根就不了解我。
I was completely mental and had just been through so much. I hit rock bottom, and it was enough to send a person over the edge. My mother knew the truth about that day, and she screamed so loud on the other end of the phone, I』ll never forget it. I cried. I told her I thought my life was over and I have no hope and I』ve worked so hard, and I knew I was good. What would I do now? And she said, 『I』m gonna let you cry for a few more hours. And then after those few hours are up, you』re gonna stop crying, you』re gonna pick yourself up, you』re gonna go back to New York, and you』re gonna kick some a**
It was my dad who pulled me back. I wanted to show my parents I was completely wild. My dad thought I』d lost it. He came to see me and told me if I didn』t pull back I would lose everything. That completely shook me, because even though I wanted to rebel, my parents are the people I respect most in this world. I didn』t want to lose my father』s respect, so I stopped. As a performer I』m outrageous and wild, but as a person I have a very strong moral code. To this day I feel guilt about what I put my parents through when I was younger. I』ll call my mother out of the blue and say, 『Mom, I』m so sorry about what I did.』 They』re very proud of me today, but I wouldn』t have their pride if I hadn』t listened to them and told them I was sorry. It』s as important to acknowledge your mistakes as it is to get credit for your victories.
I have a small bunch of really creative people who make up the Haus and they work with me on my sets, my costumes, my jewelery and the concept of GaGa. It』s my team and we come up with crazy ideas and make them happen. I do make a lot of money, but I don』t want to own flash cars; I want to make Lady GaGa the biggest star in the world, and that takes a lot of work and creativity.
我的工作室里聚集了一大批充滿創造力的人,他們一起創作我的套裝、服飾、珠寶飾物以及"Gaga"這個概念。這是我的團隊,我們想瘋狂的主意並且實現它們。我是賺很多錢,但我不要豪車,我要把「 Lady GaGa」打造成世界上最大牌的明星,這需要很多工作和很多創造力。
Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think.
For some people, fame kills it and becomes more important than the music or the performance. But for me fame is like rocket fuel. The more my fans like what I』m doing, the more I want to give back to them.
I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. I am a busy girl. I live and breathe my work. I love what I do. I believe in the message. There』s no stopping. I didn』t create the fame, the fame created me.
I want to have a husband who loves and supports me, just the way anyone else does, I am a very sentimental person and family is important to me.
我和其他人和人一樣希望有個愛我支持我的丈夫,我是一個感性的人,家庭對我來說很重要。「When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year old girl. Then I say, 『Bit88, you』re Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today.』」
【被問道怎樣克服自己的脆弱 】 「當我早上醒來時,我和其他24歲的女孩一樣有著那些不安全感,然後我會對自己說'bit**,你是Lady Gaga啊,你要爬起來然後做你自己~'」
I want my fans to know I』m there for them. I want them to see every part of me. I am never going to leave them
I am beautiful in my way , cause God makes no mistakes! I am on the right track, Baby, I was Born This Way!
MONSTER BALL上,夫人唱《speechless》之前說:「I don't care if my fans love me,I care if they love themselves 」我不在乎我的粉絲是否愛我,我在乎的是他們是否愛自己。
if the Senate and the president are not going to repeal this 「don』t ask, don』t tell」 policy, perhaps they should be more clear with us about who the military is fighting for, who our tax dollars are supporting and, ultimately, how much does the prime rib cost?
如果議員、總統堅持DADT,那麼他們是否應該告訴我們,我們到底是在為誰而戰?我們所納的稅到底是在服務誰? 美國的「平等」價值幾何?

VMA後的Ellen show上,對Ellen說:我的同志粉絲們感到政府對他們有所抵制,這讓我感到難過,這也是今晚我為什麼穿這身肉裝的原因。
It is a devastation to me that I know my fans who are gay feel like they have governmen oppress on them. That』s actually why I wore the meat tonight,」 Lady Gaga told Ellen.
每個人都值得穿我那件肉裝,因為每個人都應當注意:如果我們不能為自己的信念站出來,不能為自己的權益奮斗,那麼久而久之,我們能獲得的權利不過我們骨頭上的一堆肉 If we don』t stand up for what we believe in and if we don』t fight for our rights, pretty soon we』re going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones

⑨ 騎行的名言佳句





清風一程 雨一程,一個人的旅途 看似漫不經心,實則任重道遠
























⑩ lady gaga 經典語錄 勵志感人一點的,要最經典的最有代表性的

A glamorous life is quite different to a life of luxury. I don』t need luxury. For years, I was practically broke but I was still very vain and glamorous. And I still am.
I don't want to sound presumptuous, but I've made it my goal to revolutionise pop music. The last revolution was launched by Madonna 25 years ago.
Lady Gaga
我不想這么霸氣的~ 但是我一直把「革新流行音樂」當成我的目標。上一次這么做的人是25年前的麥當娜。
The turning point for me was the gay community. I've got so many gay fans and they're so loyal to me and they really lifted me up. They'll always stand by me and I'll always stand by them. It's not an easy thing to create a fanbase.
Lady Gaga
Paris and Nicky Hilton went to my school. They're very pretty, and very, very clean. It's impressive to be that perfect all the time. In commercial terms, they've been quite an influence on me.
Lady Gaga
I am really inspired by the Italians like Gabbana, Versace and Gucci. But I am looking it in that way and trying to make my own.
Lady Gaga
Asked which fashion trends she enjoys.
Some artists want your money so they can buy Range Rovers and diamond bracelets, but I don't care about that kind of stuff. I want your soul.
Lady Gaga
Some women choose to follow a man and some others their dreams. In case that you wonder which way to follow, remember that your career won't wake up one morning to say that he doesn't love you.
Lady Gaga
一些女人選擇跟隨男人,另一些則選擇跟隨夢想。在你要決定要選哪條路時記住:你的事業是不會在某天早上醒來時告訴你 他不愛你了的。
A girl's got to use what she's given and I'm not going to make a guy drool the way a Britney video does. So I take it to extremes. I don't say I dress sexily on stage - what I do is so extreme. It's meant to make guys think: 'I don't know if this is sexy or just weird.'
Lady Gaga
My grandmother is basically blind, but she can make out the lighter parts, like my skin and hair. She says, "I can see you, because you have no pants on." So I`ll continue to wear no pants so that my grandma can see me.
Lady Gaga
On whether the media hurts her feelings: 「When they start sating that you have extra appendages, you have to assume that they』re unable to destroy you.」媒體的報道是否讓她覺得受傷。「當他們開始報道你的其他事情時(說夫人是男的。。。),你就知道他們是根本沒有能力毀掉你」
The Fame is about how anyone can feel famous. Pop culture is art. It doesn't make you cool to hate pop culture, so I embraced it and you hear it all over The Fame. But, it's a sharable fame. I want to invite you all to the party. I want people to feel a part of this lifestyle.
《THE FAME》想讓任何人都知道怎樣去感受自己的名聲濟濟。流行文化是一門藝術。說自己痛恨流行文化並不會讓你變得有多酷,所以我要讓《THE FAME》的流行文化將你們包圍。但是,名聲是可以分享的,我想邀請每個人都來到這個聚會上,我想讓每個人都覺得自己是這種生活方式里的一部分。
You asked me who Lady Gaga was, but even after I show you, you're
still not going to know who I really am… Lady Gaga is my name. If you know me, and you call me Stefani, you don't really know me at all.
你問我LadyGaga是誰,但即使我表現給你看,你還是不會知道我到底是誰…Lady Gaga是我的名字。如果你認識我還叫我stefani,那說明你壓根就不了解我。
I was completely mental and had just been through so much. I hit rock bottom, and it was enough to send a person over the edge. My mother knew the truth about that day, and she screamed so loud on the other end of the phone, I』ll never forget it. I cried. I told her I thought my life was over and I have no hope and I』ve worked so hard, and I knew I was good. What would I do now? And she said, 『I』m gonna let you cry for a few more hours. And then after those few hours are up, you』re gonna stop crying, you』re gonna pick yourself up, you』re gonna go back to New York, and you』re gonna kick some a**
It was my dad who pulled me back. I wanted to show my parents I was completely wild. My dad thought I』d lost it. He came to see me and told me if I didn』t pull back I would lose everything. That completely shook me, because even though I wanted to rebel, my parents are the people I respect most in this world. I didn』t want to lose my father』s respect, so I stopped. As a performer I』m outrageous and wild, but as a person I have a very strong moral code. To this day I feel guilt about what I put my parents through when I was younger. I』ll call my mother out of the blue and say, 『Mom, I』m so sorry about what I did.』 They』re very proud of me today, but I wouldn』t have their pride if I hadn』t listened to them and told them I was sorry. It』s as important to acknowledge your mistakes as it is to get credit for your victories.
I have a small bunch of really creative people who make up the Haus and they work with me on my sets, my costumes, my jewelery and the concept of GaGa. It』s my team and we come up with crazy ideas and make them happen. I do make a lot of money, but I don』t want to own flash cars; I want to make Lady GaGa the biggest star in the world, and that takes a lot of work and creativity.
我的工作室里聚集了一大批充滿創造力的人,他們一起創作我的套裝、服飾、珠寶飾物以及"Gaga"這個概念。這是我的團隊,我們想瘋狂的主意並且實現它們。我是賺很多錢,但我不要豪車,我要把「 Lady GaGa」打造成世界上最大牌的明星,這需要很多工作和很多創造力。
Fight and push harder for what you believe in, you'd be surprised, you are much stronger than you think.
For some people, fame kills it and becomes more important than the music or the performance. But for me fame is like rocket fuel. The more my fans like what I』m doing, the more I want to give back to them.
I am focused on the work. I am constantly creating. I am a busy girl. I live and breathe my work. I love what I do. I believe in the message. There』s no stopping. I didn』t create the fame, the fame created me.
I want to have a husband who loves and supports me, just the way anyone else does, I am a very sentimental person and family is important to me.
我和其他人和人一樣希望有個愛我支持我的丈夫,我是一個感性的人,家庭對我來說很重要。「When I wake up in the morning, I feel just like any other insecure 24-year old girl. Then I say, 『Bit88, you』re Lady Gaga, you get up and walk the walk today.』」
【被問道怎樣克服自己的脆弱 】 「當我早上醒來時,我和其他24歲的女孩一樣有著那些不安全感,然後我會對自己說'bit**,你是Lady Gaga啊,你要爬起來然後做你自己~'」
I want my fans to know I』m there for them. I want them to see every part of me. I am never going to leave them
I am beautiful in my way , cause God makes no mistakes! I am on the right track, Baby, I was Born This Way!
MONSTER BALL上,夫人唱《speechless》之前說:「I don't care if my fans love me,I care if they love themselves 」我不在乎我的粉絲是否愛我,我在乎的是他們是否愛自己。
if the Senate and the president are not going to repeal this 「don』t ask, don』t tell」 policy, perhaps they should be more clear with us about who the military is fighting for, who our tax dollars are supporting and, ultimately, how much does the prime rib cost?
如果議員、總統堅持DADT,那麼他們是否應該告訴我們,我們到底是在為誰而戰?我們所納的稅到底是在服務誰? 美國的「平等」價值幾何?

VMA後的Ellen show上,對Ellen說:我的同志粉絲們感到政府對他們有所抵制,這讓我感到難過,這也是今晚我為什麼穿這身肉裝的原因。
It is a devastation to me that I know my fans who are gay feel like they have governmen oppress on them. That』s actually why I wore the meat tonight,」 Lady Gaga told Ellen.
每個人都值得穿我那件肉裝,因為每個人都應當注意:如果我們不能為自己的信念站出來,不能為自己的權益奮斗,那麼久而久之,我們能獲得的權利不過我們骨頭上的一堆肉 If we don』t stand up for what we believe in and if we don』t fight for our rights, pretty soon we』re going to have as much rights as the meat on our bones
" Obama , I know you are listening , ARE YOU LISTENING ! ! ! " 這是gaga在白宮前面為同性戀等等等等群體發表演講時向奧巴馬怒吼的




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