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發布時間:2021-02-24 11:06:39

⑴ 萊州市的健身房那一家最好


⑵ 萊州的健身房那個比較好還比較便宜


⑶ 萊州的健身房去一次一般都多少錢


⑷ 萊州東方奧體健身廣場辦張年卡多少錢啊 怎麼能優惠點啊

你可以看看有沒有團購這一說法 啊

⑸ 萊州樂享健身100元 是真的嗎


⑹ 誰知道煙台萊州億鵬健身房的電話


⑺ 萊州哪個健身房好

houzi43) houzi43) 呵呵 !看這架勢!去年就准備實施了!

⑻ 第六套萊州健康舞步活力健身操的音樂叫什麼名

Counting Stars 歌手:OneRepublic Lately, I』ve been, I』ve been losing sleep 最近我總是輾轉反側 難以入眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 對我們曾有過的願景 浮想聯翩 But baby, I』ve been, I』ve been praying hard, 但親愛的 我早已在內心深處祈禱著 Said, no more counting dollars 祈禱自己不再迷失於金錢的追逐中 We』ll be counting stars 我們可以細數滿天繁星 Yeah, we』ll be counting stars 細數滿天繁星 品味生活樂趣 I see this life like a swinging vine 生活就像一株躍動的藤蔓 Swing my heart across the line 長驅直入 激活我的內心 In my face is flashing signs 在我臉上 劃過跡象 Seek it out and you shall find 遍尋之後 你能發現 Old, but I'm not that old 我雖上年紀 但不致老態龍鍾 Young, but I'm not that bold 雖還年輕 卻未必魯莽失禮 And I don't think the world is sold 堅信這個世界美好如初 I'm just doing what we're told 我只是循規蹈矩地生活著 I, feel something so right Doing the wrong thing 慣於離經叛道中 體味心安理得 And I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing 亦於按部就班中 痛感乏善可陳 I, could lie, could Iie, could lie 我欺騙過 偽裝過 失真過 Everything that kills me makes me feel alive 但置我於死地者 必將賜我以後生 Lately, I』ve been, I』ve been losing sleep 最近我總是輾轉反側 難以入眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 對我們曾有過的願景 浮想聯翩 But baby, I』ve been, I』ve been praying hard, 但親愛的 我早已在內心深處祈禱著 Said, no more counting dollars 祈禱自己不再迷失於金錢的追逐中 We』ll be counting stars 我們可以細數滿天繁星 Lately, I』ve been, I』ve been losing sleep 最近我總是輾轉反側 難以入眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 對我們曾有過的願景 浮想聯翩 But baby, I』ve been, I』ve been praying hard, 但親愛的 我早已在內心深處祈禱著 Said, no more counting dollars 祈禱自己不再迷失於金錢的追逐中 we』ll be,we』ll be counting stars 我們,我們可以細數滿天繁星 I feel the love and I feel it burn 我感覺到愛火在胸中熊起 Down this river, every turn 於河流的每個迂迴處翻騰 Hope is a four-letter word 希望只是個粗俗字眼 Make that money, watch it burn 身外之物 皆可拋卻 Old, but I'm not that old 我雖上年紀 但未必老態龍鍾 Young, but I'm not that bold 雖還年輕 卻不致魯莽失禮 I don't think the world is sold 堅信這個世界美好如初 I'm just doing what we're told 我只是循規蹈矩地生活著 I feel something so wrong Doing the right thing 亦於按部就班中 痛感乏善可陳 I could lie,could lie, could lie 我欺騙過 偽裝過 失真過 Everything that downs me makes me wanna fly 但置我於低谷者 定能助我以崛起 Lately, I』ve been, I』ve been losing sleep 最近我總是輾轉反側 難以入眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 對我們曾有過的願景 浮想聯翩 But baby, I』ve been, I』ve been praying hard, 但親愛的 我早已在內心深處祈禱著 Said, no more counting dollars 祈禱自己不再迷失於金錢的追逐中 We』ll be counting stars 我們可以細數滿天繁星 Lately, I』ve been, I』ve been losing sleep 最近我總是輾轉反側 難以入眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 對我們曾有過的願景 浮想聯翩 But baby, I』ve been, I』ve been praying hard, 但親愛的 我早已在內心深處祈禱著 Said, no more counting dollars 祈禱自己不再迷失於金錢的追逐中 We』ll be we』ll be counting stars 我們可以細數滿天繁星 品味生活樂趣 Take that money, watch it burn 身外之物 皆可拋卻 Sing in the river The lessons are learnt 泛舟當歌 人生幾何 Take that money, watch it burn 身外之物 皆可拋卻 Sing in the river The lessons are learnt 泛舟當歌 人生幾何 Take that money, watch it burn 身外之物 皆可拋卻 Sing in the river The lessons are learnt 泛舟當歌 人生幾何 Take that money, watch it burn 身外之物 皆可拋卻 Sing in the river The lessons are learnt 泛舟當歌 人生幾何 Everything that kills me makes me feel alive 但置我於死地者 必將賜我以後生 Lately, I』ve been, I』ve been losing sleep 最近我總是輾轉反側 難以入眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 對我們曾有過的願景 浮想聯翩 But baby, I』ve been, I』ve been praying hard, 但親愛的 我早已在內心深處祈禱著 Said, no more counting dollars 祈禱自己不再迷失於金錢的追逐中 We』ll be counting stars 我們可以細數滿天繁星 品味生活樂趣 Lately, I』ve been, I』ve been losing sleep 最近我總是輾轉反側 難以入眠 Dreaming about the things that we could be 對我們曾有過的願景 浮想聯翩 But baby, I』ve been, I』ve been praying hard, 但親愛的 我早已在內心深處祈禱著 Said, no more counting dollars 祈禱自己不再迷失於金錢的追逐中 We』ll be we』ll be counting stars 我們可以細數滿天繁星 品味生活樂趣



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