導航:首頁 > 戶外夜景 > 露營地點英文


發布時間:2021-03-20 18:06:54

⑴ "露營"英文怎麼說

go camping

⑵ 野營的英文是什麼

camping 英[ˈkæmpɪŋ] 美[ˈkæmpiŋ]
n. 野營,露營;
[例句]I once went camping at Lake Darling with a friend

⑶ 關於野營的英語單詞

帳篷 tent
鐵鍬 shovel
急救箱 First aid kit
篝火 Bonfires
背包 backpack
野餐布 Picnic cloth
對講機 Walkie-talkie
爐子 Stoves
指南專針屬 compass
手電筒 flashlight

⑷ 在選擇一個合適的野營地點時,我們應當首先考慮是否方便.英文翻譯是什麼

When choose a right place to camp,we should first consider if it is convenient.

⑸ 宿營,露營 用英語怎麼說


⑹ 野營基地的英文是什麼

Camp base

⑺ 在野營營地(英文)----------

at the camp

⑻ 關於一篇露營的英語作文要80字左右 要有天氣 時間 地點

Here is my new story about my favorite sport.My favorite way to travel is backpacking. I can set my own schele and I can save on hotels. In addition, it is a good way of exercises. One time, I traveled to the national park. There were many people ring the day, but before the night fell most of them left.At that time, I set up my tent with my friends and lit up a fire at the camping ground. We listened to the waters running by and watching birds going back to their nests. I felt so close to the nature. After that, I often took the camping equipments with me and I will go to more places in this way.關於新運動,背包出門野營。 backpacking,無翻譯SORRY,別忘了給分

⑼ 野營營地 用英語怎麼說

camp site

picnic place

⑽ 「汽車露營地」用英語怎麼說

「汽車露營地」 翻譯 The car camp



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