A. 上海周邊親子游哪裡好
靈山內勝境,黿頭渚容, 央視影視基地(三國城,水滸城)、錫惠公園,蠡園,梅園 、宜興善卷洞 、竹海、江陰華西村等
市區以主題公園為主:有中華恐龍園,環球動漫嬉戲谷,淹城春秋樂園 比較出名,也值得一看
自然風景 就是溧陽的天目湖景區 及 南山竹海 等
主題公園: 摩天輪公園等
小吃 或者熱鬧的地方 可以選擇觀前街 或者 七里山塘 等 。
B. 上海周邊古鎮遊玩攻略
上海中興路1666號,每天6班到周庄 25-29元,可再去同里,錦溪...
上海南站 每天12班車去西塘 32元
上海南站到烏鎮 每天8班 49元
C. 上海周邊親子游適合去哪裡
去橫 店夢幻谷水 世界 吧 , 夏 天玩水最 適合了, 6 月 17 日 就正式 開放 了,這 里 有飛內屋 環 游、 百果容 戰 士 、 旋轉 寶 貝、 寶 寶 水母、 挖 沙尋 寶、 瘋 狂抓 娃娃 機 、4 D 叢林 影 院 、 DI Y 親子 互 動 等 十 余 個室內 親子 游 樂項目 。 還 有 一 場結合了 中 國 寓言故 事 打 造 的 全 景 互動式 勵志 兒 童 劇——小 鳥 加 油 。
D. 上海周邊自駕親子游那裡好
E. 上海周邊自駕游哪些路線值得推薦
F. 五一上海周邊親子自駕游地點
靈山勝境,黿內頭渚, 央視影視基容地(三國城,水滸城)、錫惠公園,蠡園,梅園 、宜興善卷洞 、竹海、江陰華西村等
市區以主題公園為主:有中華恐龍園,環球動漫嬉戲谷,淹城春秋樂園 比較出名,也值得一看
自然風景 就是溧陽的天目湖景區 及 南山竹海 等
主題公園: 摩天輪公園等
小吃 或者熱鬧的地方 可以選擇觀前街 或者 七里山塘 等 。
G. 上海周邊古鎮游
西塘從周一到周五是沒有門票的,只要不是過節的話去了都能找到住的地方,景區裡面都是家庭旅店,人不多的話可以坎價哦,晚上在那住一晚坐坐船,閑逛一下,很漂亮哦,第2天一大早感受一下清晨的西塘 拍拍照,逛一下,下去就可以從西塘去烏鎮了
省錢方案 希望能有用 呵呵~~~
H. 上海周邊古鎮游
成人聯票(古鎮門票+中國農名畫村) 票面價 ¥68 同程價 ¥58
古鎮成人票 票面價 ¥50 同程價 ¥42
畫村成人票 票面價 ¥30 同程價 ¥25
成人票(聯票) 票面價 ¥60 同程價 ¥48
蘇州大市人群聯票 票面價 ¥60 同程價 ¥35
兒童票 同程價¥30
成人票 票面價¥100 同程價 ¥80
千燈古鎮 呈坎 水繪園
I. 求推薦上海周邊好玩、景點不錯的單日短途親子游目的地
J. 上海周邊古鎮遊玩 上海周邊古鎮哪裡好玩
【導語】:上海周邊古鎮哪裡好玩?本地寶小編來為您介紹上海周邊古鎮相關信息。祝您玩得開心,玩得盡興! 烏鎮 Wuzhen 烏鎮的格調是質朴,這里有保存最為完好的清代民居;烏鎮的氣息很濃郁,民俗民風充實著古街老宅。到百床館領略「千工床」的精美,到朱家樓看24孝圖,在金家廳觀賞「滿月、婚嫁、拜壽」場景,可以直觀全面地了解江南傳統民俗文化。西柵有連綿千米的水閣;高公升糟坊內酒壇如山,米酒飄香;宏源泰染坊里,藍印花布鋪天蓋地。鎮中有江南三大道院之一的修貞觀,規模龐大,香火鼎盛。道觀前的古戲台上,常年上演戲劇。昭明太子讀書台和茅盾故居,是讀書人心中的聖地。 Wuzhen is famous for its residences dating from the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911), and the town keeps its ancient ambience, as if time has stood still. Wuzhen is also famous for its traditional craft of 「bed-making,」 exquisite examples of which can be seen in the Museum of Antique Beds. Other attractions include the elaborate painting of 24 filial sons of old times in the Zhu Family House, and depictions of traditional ceremonies, such as those for babies when they were one month old, weddings and the birthdays of the elderly -- all illustrative of the culture of southeast China. The Xizha district of the town has old houses and pavilions stretching over 1,000 m along river banks. Piled up in the courtyard of the Gaogongsheng Distillery are numerous jars filled with rice wine, scenting the air with a heady aroma. At the Hongyuantai Dye Works, immensely long pieces of indigo-blue printed cotton are hung high in the air to dry. Wuzhen is also home to the Xiuzhen Taoist Temple, one of the three most renowned ones in southeast China. Huge in side, the temple holds great appeal to worshippers far and wide. In front of the temple is an ancient opera stage, where performances are given all the year round. In addition, Prince Zhaoming』s Study and the Former Residence of Mao Dun attract many people interested in Chinese language and literature. 周庄 Zhouzhuang 周庄集中國水鄉之美於一身,古橋、古建築、古街,全都飄浮於水上。雙橋因陳逸飛的油畫《故鄉的回憶》而聞名世界;富安橋是江南唯一留存的橋樓合璧建築;鎮內明清建築遍布,有「轎從前門進,船自家中過的」張廳;有七進五門樓富麗堂皇的沈廳;銀子浜水冢留下不解之謎,水上佛國全福寺的鍾聲悠遠,澄虛道院的燈光溫暖夜歸的漁人。在沈廳酒家嘗嘗著名的萬三家宴,到古戲台聽一段崑曲,坐於臨水茶樓喝一碗阿婆茶,到中市街上瀏覽民俗文化,或者乘船夜遊,看水上和水下的周庄,美不勝收。 Zhouzhuang embraces the beauties of all the water towns in China – old bridges, traditional buildings and small streets on the banks of waterways. Its Shuangqiao Bridges (Twin Bridges) became famous worldwide because of the painting Memory of Hometown by well-known painter Chen Yifei (1946-2005) and its display in a New York gallery in 1984. Another bridge in the town, Fu』an Bridge (Wealth and Peace Bridge), is the only existing structure in southeastern China that perfectly combines a single-arch bridge with a bridge tower. The town has many old buildings built in Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). The best examples are Zhang Mansion, which could have 「sedan-chairs entering from the front door and boats passing through the mansion,」 and Shen Mansion, which consists of seven sections and five gateways. Other scenes of interest include the mystery of underwater tombs at Silver Creek, the bell in Complete Fortune Temple, and fishermen returning home under the light of Clear Empty Taoist Temple. It would also be a wonderful experience to taste the delicious food of family banquet of Shen Mansion, listen to Kunqu Opera singing at the Old Theater, sip a cup of Grandma Tea in a riverside pavilion, visit folk arts shops on the Market Street, or take a river cruise to view the beautiful night scenes of the town and the river. 甪直 Lu 長江以南的太湖流域,水系發達,氣候濕潤,物產豐饒。這里的先民種植水稻、飼養蠶桑;並利用航運之便通商內外,絲綢、葯材等聞名於世,經濟發展迅速,素有「人間天堂」、「魚米之鄉」的美譽。而以江蘇的周庄、甪直、同里和浙江的西塘、烏鎮、南潯為典型的水鄉古鎮被譽為江南最美的六座古鎮。江南古鎮因水而生,依水成街、沿河築屋,小橋、流水、人家,是其典型的自然風貌。曲折的街巷、眾多的古橋、美麗的園林,使江南古鎮散發出寧靜淳樸的氣息。江南古鎮包含的豐富歷史文化遺產,主要體現在古建築群、古橋、古街、民宅、宗祠、廟觀、戲樓等鄉風民俗之中。它強調天人合一的哲學思想,長於借景,外簡內繁,財不外露。建築以木結構為主,極盡雕刻之功;風格細膩精緻。古鎮風景,四時不同,不變的,是寧靜祥和的氣氛,靈動秀美的情韻。身處其間,既能感受到歷史的厚重,又會為風景的秀麗、生活的安閑而沉醉。 Lu is famous for its waterways. There are six rivers in the town, three flowing from east to west and three from south to north. Along the rivers are old streets and residential houses. According to myth, the town is protected by a divine beast. And the local people are simple and honest, living a peaceful life. The Songze culture and Liangzhu culture, with a history of over 5,000 years, have left behind a great historical and cultural heritage. A galaxy of literati could be found in each period. Moreover, the tradition of running schools and improving ecation has been passed down, as evidenced by the Bailian Temple, Puli Memorial Park, the No. 5 Primary School, and Ye Shengtao Memorial Hall. The centuries-old Baosheng Temple houses nine state-of-the-art arhat sculptures, which are now under protection at the national level. Behind a screen wall along a river is the Shen family compound, with many houses and spacious courtyards. This ancient waterside town has nurtured a pioneer of the modern reform movement in China, Wang Tao, as well as the international movie star Josephine Siao. Along the narrow rivers, boatwomen dressed in local costumes sing melodious songs, making for beautiful scenes in Lu. 南潯 Nanxun 南潯是中外聞名的「輯里湖絲」的故鄉,興盛的絲綢貿易造就了南潯「巨富之鎮」的美名。這里富賈雲集,園林眾多,小蓮庄、劉氏梯號、張氏故居等規模宏大,景色優美。尤其難得的是這些園林的建築風格中西合璧,將巴洛可立柱、歐式壁爐、法式刻花玻璃與堂樓、天井、磚雕門樓有機融合,令人尋味。嘉業藏書樓中有典籍萬冊,臨水而建的百間樓流傳著古老的傳說。河岸邊高高低低的石階,與空中層層疊疊的封火牆,有如起伏不斷的琴鍵,奏響永不止息的江南水鄉曲…… Nanxun is known in China and abroad as the home of Jili Silk. Its thriving silk trade helped Nanxun earn the accolade 「town of affluence.」 Its community of wealthy merchants gave rise to beautiful garden residences, such as the Xiaolian Villa, the former residences of Liu Ti and of the Zhangs—all built on a grand scale and delightful to the eye. Particularly unusual is the juxtaposition of Chinese and Western architectural styles of these garden residences: Baroque columns, European fireplaces and French etched glass are blended into traditional Chinese buildings with central halls, skywells, and carved brick gatetowers. The Jiaye Hall Library has more than 10,000 ancient books and records; built along the river, the Hundred-Room Building is the subject of an old legend. The stone steps along the river bank and the rooftop fire gables look like piano keys, rising and falling without cease, playing the eternal music of Jiangnan, the waterland of rivers and lakes. 同里 Tongli 同里有「明清建築博物館」之稱,孚寄堂、崇本堂、計成故居、費鞏故居、陳去病故居等保存完好的古民居散布鎮中。退思園更是江南園林建築中的精華,園中天橋、鬧紅一舸最為著名。於石舫中坐享清風、觀山玩水,懷思古之幽情,使人有隔世之感。羅星洲四面環水,草木葳蕤,樓閣高聳,登樓遠眺,煙水蒼茫。關帝廟、觀音殿、文昌閣,儒、釋、道三教共存。逛一逛明清街,走一走三橋,高呼太平、吉利、長慶,就能消災祈福。走進陳王道故居,聽古老的愛情故事,《珍珠塔》彈詞餘音裊裊,繞梁不絕…… Tongli is known as a museum of architecture of the Ming and Qing dynasties (1368-1911). Among the stunning structures there are the Fuji Hall, the Chongben Hall, the Old Residence of Ji Cheng, the Old Residence of Fei Gong and the Old Residence of Chen Qubing, all well preserved ancient houses. The Tuisi Garden epitomizes garden architecture in southeast China. The 「sky bridge」 – a bridge that spans a corridor – and the stone boat are the garden』s main attractions. Sitting in the stone boat, visitors can enjoy the green hills and crystal-clear water. On Luoxingzhou, an islet in the lake completely surrounded by water, there stands a tall pavilion from which you can look out over a vast expanse of water and mist. The Guandi Temple, the Hall of Guanyin and the Wenchang Pavilion represent the coexistence of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in the garden. Walking along Ming and Qing Street and then across the Three Bridges, you can wish for peace, luck and happiness, and it is believed your wishes will come true. 西塘 Xitang 西塘以橋多、弄多、廊棚多而著名。紅燈籠高掛的廊棚,一路為遊客遮陽蔽雨,長長的石皮弄、計家弄幽靜深邃,道道石縫間嵌滿了歷史陳跡。古鎮處處有明清建築,尊聞堂、醉經堂書香猶存;西園的過街騎樓矗立空中。乘一葉小舟,在柳絲如煙、細雨如霧中,尋訪燒香港的聖堂,領略石橋流水的江南風韻。傍晚,佇立永寧橋頭,賞月、聽槳、觀燈,美麗安詳的西塘之夜有如夢中仙境;清晨,裊裊炊煙與漫漫晨霧融合,籠罩著河道、石橋、老宅、古街,像一幅中國水墨畫,卻又散發出永恆的生活氣息。