導航:首頁 > 度假景點 > 假如你在度假


發布時間:2021-02-21 12:46:14

㈠ 心理測試:如果你去度假你會選擇度假的地方a海邊b海邊c城市這個問題的答案分別代表什麼人物

a 海邊復代表你對制生活充滿了渴望,你想要自己富有激情的將來,而且你也是一個可以左右自己思緒的人,但是往往生活里有些不如意你看的太重,迷失了自我的時候,請抓緊身邊的每個朋友。

㈡ 假如你正在海邊度假描述一下那裡的天氣風景和他人的活動【英語】

九月最後一天的傍晚,我趿著拖鞋,淌著柔綿的細沙,獨自沿著銀灘的沙灘向東漫步。距上次離開這里已有10個多月時間了,海濱一切如舊。落日時的海邊是最美麗的,太陽已經收起了她那刺眼的光芒,提前來這里度假人們把城市的喧囂也提前帶給了大海,戲海的人們也被夕陽的余輝染成了緋紅色。人常說「熟悉的地方沒風景」,但大海卻是「相看兩不厭」的地方,對我說來,這里有著人與自然相互傾訴最好的時空了,也只有在這里,才能使自己疲憊的身心得到靜養和調整;觸發我對過去的時光美好的回憶,更讓我在這里傳遞著對遠方朋友的思念和眷戀......我邊走邊看著海邊再也熟悉不過的景色了。夜色逐漸濃了起來,滲透皮膚的海風使人輕松愜意,但我還是這里好像覺得缺少點什麼?但一時又想不出來,細細回味,原來從四號路為界向東路邊的椰子樹全換了一種外皮帶刺的叫不出名字的樹了,而海邊也只剩下了榕樹和馬尾鬆了。我腦子里起了問號,為什麼要把體現亞熱帶風光的椰子樹全換了呢?海邊沒有了椰子樹等於是美麗的少女剪去了飄逸的長發……一個中青旅的導游從我身邊走過,我喊住了她:椰子樹怎麼都沒有了?姑娘告訴我:去冬今春北部灣也遭受了百年不遇的凍雨和低溫的侵襲,這里的椰子樹是亞熱帶屬種,所以耐不住嚴寒,全凍死了……不知什麼原因,聽她說完後我心裡便升起了一股惆悵。當我漫步到海灘公園的市民廣場時,太陽已從海平面上消失,晚霞烘托著雕塑 「潮」並透過 鏤空的鋼球,映出了最後的緋紅,給人以神美的感覺,我即用相機留下了這美好的瞬間。

㈢ 假如你是在北京度假的美國學生。寫一篇旅遊日記。 用上:the Creat Wall , the Palace Museum ,


㈣ 假如你正在太原度假,今天你參觀了幾處名勝古跡.寫一篇英語作文

Last Sunday, I and my father, mother, sister, brother went to TaiYuan by car . In the morning we came down the mountain. I saw wooded mountains, wild flowers bloom. We climb up the hill along the mountain path. Come halfway up the mountain, I feel a little tired. Dad said to me, can't do anything halfway. So I insisted reached the top, the top of the scenery so beautiful.Down the hill, we went boating in the lake. In the evening we went to eat rice noodles, had a good day.

㈤ 「假如你正在泰國清邁度假"英語作文


My family is very different from any other families. Of course, I suppose every family has some part different from all others. However, my family is much different.

My great grandfather was not very famous in the ears of the historians. But he was well-known for his knowledge in the field of nuclear physics. He participated in the proction of the first nuclear bomb and the nuclear test at Trinity. My great grandmother was just a woman who supports her husband silently at home, but my great grandfather always said that if not for my great grandmother, he would not have gone so far.

My grandfather was a professor at the Harvard University. Back then, Harvard has just opened and my father was hired. My grandmother was the most skilled gardener at that time. The flowers grown by my great grandmother were sold at over USD100,000.

My father is currently a billionaire with a business empire hiring over millions of workers around the world. His division companies open at every possible city. My mother is currently campaigning for the president of the United States, and she has great hopes to win this year.

I myself haven't developed into anything yet, but with my family background, I know I will accomplish something big all by myself. I am proud of my family and I am proud of myself.

㈥ 假設你去了某個地方度假。關於這次旅行給你朋友寫一封信


㈦ 假如你在另一個城市度假,給你的父母寫一張明信片英語作文


㈧ 假如你是一名在北京度假的美國學生,寫一篇旅遊日記。Thursday , August 1st


㈨ 假設你在廣州度假,用英語寫作文

It is exciting to visit different places. As you travel, you will see beautiful sceneries typical of the region. Besides, you can meet and make friends with people of different colors and races. Finally, you can get to know the customs and living habits of the local people. Today people are so fond of traveling that tourism has become one of the faster growing instries in most countries.
The main reason why people travel is, perhaps, for pleasure. For example, having worked hard throughout the weekdays, people will find a widened trip to the nearby mountains or beaches a real relaxation. For another example, spending an annual holiday traveling abroad is an especially satisfying
experience for those who do not have much of an opportunity to be away from their homelands. When people return from their travel, they will generally feel fresh and energetic, ready to work harder.
Traveling is also one of the best means for learning. You may have read or heard about something but you can never get an accurate picture of it until you
see it for yourself. Seeing is believing. Furthermore, if you area careful
observer, you can learn much ring your travel about the geography, biology, and history of the places you visit. No matter how well ecated you are, there is always a lot for you to learn through traveling. The knowledge acquired from
travel, as you will have found in your life, is no less valuable than that from any influential reference book.

㈩ 假如你去英國度假,你應先了解什麼(一篇英語作文)

就: 當地天氣 人文地理 文化差異這幾點展開敘述 你自己寫吧。



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