导航:首页 > 度假景点 > 玛丽打算去昆明度假


发布时间:2021-02-18 10:27:35

❶ 玛丽在度假英文句子

Mary is on vacation
Mary is spending her holidays
Mary is having holidays


❷ 去年暑假,我和康康,玛丽去了云南旅游,云南的昆明又叫春城,一年四季如春,我们很喜欢那里的天气。第


❸ 我和汤姆打算去度假用英语怎么说

had your supperTom and I are going to be on vacation.Steve and his wife are clearing up the suitcase.Mary turned her head and talked to him.His drew a picture of his father yesterday.

❹ 玛丽明天将去看望他的父亲的英语

1.am staying
2.is visitting
3.are going
4.Will do
5.will meet

❺ Mary is ____ ____ ____ to kunming.玛丽打算去昆明度假

Mary is going to go to Kunming on vacation.

❻ 玛丽将要去公园英文有几种表达方式

Mary will go to the park. (有可能去)
Mary is going to the park. (打算去)
Mary is to go to the park. (按原定计划去)

❼ 玛丽住在昆明英文

>Marie lives in Kunming.


❽ 玛丽打算下个月去度假 用英语说一下

mary is going to enjoy the holiday next month!

❾ 在过去玛丽总是喜欢在度假上花费太多的钱英语怎么说

In the past, Marie always liked to spend too much money on holiday.

In the past, Marie always liked to spend too much money on holiday.

❿ 高中英语☺写强调句~1, 是我跟玛丽一块儿去度假:[

I, is



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