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发布时间:2021-02-23 04:51:56

① 韶关丽宫温泉怎么样


② 韶关市区到乳源县丽宫温泉大概多少公里呢


③ 韶关丽宫温泉附近有什么旅游景点

您好: 韶关著名旅游景点有:丹霞山、南雄、南华寺、南岭国家森林公园、乳源大峡谷、版东华寺、云门寺、曹权溪温泉、珠玑古巷、广东大峡谷、马坝人遗址、韶关丽宫温泉、风采楼、车八岭自然保护区、张九龄墓、韶关中山公园、韶阳楼、芙蓉仙洞、南水水

④ 韶关丽宫国际旅游度假区好不好,韶关丽宫国际旅游度假区温泉门票多少钱一张

韶关丽宫国际旅游度假区坐落于著名的世界过山瑶之乡—中国·乳内源,地理位置优越,京珠高容速乳源出口及 武广快线韶关站近在咫尺。这里拥有广东大峡谷,南岭国家原始森林公园,云门寺,毗邻丹霞山,南华寺等 世界与国家级旅游景区;这里是广东罕有的一片神圣处女地,天赐10万余个/立方厘米负氧离子的优质空 气,全流域无污染的饮用水源南水湖灌溉着广东最环保“绿色食品示范县” ;这里山青水秀,宜居宜玩、四季分明,养生条件优越,全国十大寿星中的两位均生长在这美丽长寿之乡。丽宫国际旅游度假区在此按照国家4A级旅游景区、国际五星级酒店标准重金打造,是集温泉养生、动感游乐、商务会议、休闲旅游为一体的大型综合性度假胜地。 更多可以查看: http://wenquan.szooo.com/SpaHotel/41.html

⑤ 韶关有什么温泉度假村酒店





⑥ 本人住在韶关市区 我想去韶关丽宫度假酒店泡温泉 但不知道该怎么去最便捷。市区有车直达丽宫酒店么

1) 从起点向正北方向出发,沿风度北路行驶180米,左转进入中山路
2) 沿中山路行驶180米,右转进入西堤北路
3) 沿西堤北路行驶1.1公里,直行进入前进路
4) 沿前进路行驶40米,右转
5) 行驶230米,右转
6) 行驶10米,右转进入G323
7) 沿G323行驶760米,在五里亭大桥朝惠民北路方向,直行
8) 继续沿G323行驶70米,在第1个出口右前方转弯进入惠民北路
9) 沿惠民北路行驶1.1公里,直行进入G323

⑦ 韶关到乳源丽宫温泉度假村开房是否免费泡温泉


⑧ 韶关乳源丽宫温泉国际酒店的简介

ShaoguanPalaceInternational Resorts Profile
(Official version)
ShaoguanPalace International Resorts is located in Ruyuan, the hometown of world-famous Guoshanyao, with excellent geographic location; near the exit of Beijing-Zhuhai express way as well as Shaoguan Station of Wuhan-Guangzhou highway. The world and national level scenic spots such as Guangdong Grand Ganyon, Nanling National Virgin Forest, Yunmei Temple, Danxia Mountain and Nanhua Temple are located nearby; here is a rare piece of sacred virgin land in Guangdong with a heaven-sent high-quality air of over 10 thousand pieces/cc negative oxygen ions; the whole basin pollution-free source of drinking in Nanshui Lake irrigates the most environmentally friendly “Green Food Demonstration County” in Guangdong; the beautiful mountains and waters are good for both residence and fun, together with four distinct seasons, a superior health condition is created. Two of the top 10 longevity seniors grew up here. Shaoguan Palace International Resorts has been forged according to the standards of national AAAA-level scenic area and international five-star hotel, which is a large-scale integrated resort of health spa, dynamic pleasure, business meetings and leisure travel.
Shaoguan Palace International Resorts is both a tourist area and resort hotel, covering an area of near 1,000 mu. There are Yunyao Valley Hot Spring, Palace International Hot Spring Hotel, Phoenix Mountain Forest Vocation Villa, Crazy Mountain Spring Water World, Wolongling Eco-tourism Area, Happy Farm and property villas, etc. It has over 500 luxurious guest rooms, elegant state head villas and dozens of hot spring villas; the conference center is equipped with foreign language simultaneous interpretation system, owning a large meeting room which can accommodate 600 people and 12 small and medium private meeting rooms; there are a banquet hall that can accommodate nearly 1,000 guests and 6 various flavor halls in the banquet center, 15 VIP rooms and lake candlelight flavor supper gallery; the Palace International Leisure Club has an integration of foot massage, mahjong chess, fitness beauty, SPA hydrotherapy and luxury palace nightclub; moreover, there are also integrated service such as internet bar, table tennis room, billiard room, tennis court, auditorium, exhibition and book newspaper, children’s playground, self-supporting farming area that can satisfy various tourism holiday and business meetings.
The resort has both a hot and a cold hot springs with highly natural convalescence values which are rare weak alkaline rare “low mineralized chloride-type calcium and magnesium sulfate strontium metasilicate spring fever”; Yunyao Valley Hot Spring area is mainly divided into indoor meditative SPA area, Zen Mind Cultivation Island, five health valley and forest temperament cultivation slope, it has Hawaii Valley Beach, the unique hot and cold water surfing beach in south China, which could compete with the Crazy Mountain Spring Water, a world’s top ride of Du Burj Al Arab Hotel.
The resort is surrounded by mountains with beautiful natural scenery. Here, the visitor could enjoy the clear sky and rolling mountains, Woling Ridge with dense green, Phoenix Forest with waving panes, Yunyao Valley, a mist-surrounded hot spring area, Yaochi Pond, a earthly heaven and Nanshan Mountain with red maples. Those beautiful sceneries make people feel relaxed and happy and reluctant to leave……
The local architectural style blends with the local cultural scene, which is a picture of heaven on earth and a landscape painting drawn by the nature’s freehand. People enjoy themselves in the picture and there is no bound between man and nature. Visit Shaoguan Palace International Resorts Area is not only a psychological landscape enjoyment but more of a health experience to return to nature.

⑨ 韶关丽宫国际旅游度假区 乳源丽宫国际温泉酒店怎么样




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